Flying Cars.

Neanderthals disappeared from the earth.
Neanderthals were undoubtedly humans of cold Ice Age. They appeared of about 30,000 years ago in the earth. Body structure and behaviors of Neanderthals are little similar to modern humans. The comparison between human and Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA shows that they were different species than modern humans. They were just a sub species of modern humans and had some of the heavy features of an ape. Neanderthals had a significant difference in form and structure, especially in their skulls and teeth. They were shorter in height and smaller in size than Humans. They had thicker bones, shorter limbs, an asymmetrical humerus, barrel chest and thicker metacarpals. The brain of a Neanderthal had a raised larynx, and was also bigger than that of the modern Humans. The human child’s growth rate is slower than that of the Neanderthal child, as they used to grow rapidly from infants to adults.Presence of a hyoid bone in their throats also suggested that they could speak. They were good hunters, they expertly made stone tools and hunt animals, controlled fire as well. They lived with complex social groups in stone caves and buried their dead. With the arrival of modern humans in Europe with better brains and more sophisticated tools they started to vanish. Around 35,000 years ago temperatures started to decline and the most recent Neanderthal remains in southern seaside caves in Spain. Roughly 30,000 years ago, the Neanderthals totally disappeared.
History of Rome.

Romulus and Remus were twin brothers. When they were babies theirs parents put them into a basket and then placed into the River Tiber, left them to die. The basket ran towards ground and a something interesting happened in this story, a she-wolf found them and took care a short time before they were found by a shepherd. The shepherd brought up the twins. When the twins grew up they came back to the wonderful place by the river where they had almost died and they decided to build a new city. Romulus built his settlements on the Palatine hill and Remus built on the Aventine hill in about 750 BC, so that the others who were homeless they might have a place to live. At first it was a tiny village, surrounded by lots of little villages. Remus grew jealous of Romulus and mocked the size of the walls he had built, so Romulus killed him. Then he named the city after himself as "Rome" and was a crowned king. King Romulus found himself ruling a Rome with too few women (however not enough wives for all men) is impossible and so Romulus decided to steal women from the Sabines, an Italian tribe. He proclaimed a festival and many of the neighbouring Sabines women were invited. In the festival Romulus and his Romans rushed in and carried off the women for their true intentions, taking possession of the unmarried Sabine women by force and claiming them as brides. which became the famous "Rape of the Sabine women" in history.Then the Sabine men were furious and led war on Romulus. The Sabine town was ruled by king Titus Tatius. When the fighting had reached its peak, the Sabine women, who had grown fond of their Roman husbands, rushed between the ranks and begged both sides to make peace. So the battle was stopped, Romulus and Titus Tatius ruled together over the two peoples until. After some time Titus Tatius was killed in battle. For the rest of his life Romulus ruled alone, proving himself a great leader in peace and war. He did not die but disappeared one day at the age of 54 in a violent storm. While he was performing a ritual sacrifice to the gods at the river a thunderstorm struck. The people ran for cover from the rain, leaving Romulus and the senators Julius Proculus behind. When they returned Romulus had vanished. The Romans believing he had been taken up to heaven.
Tethys Ocean between India and China about 70 million years ago.

According to the modern theory of plate tectonics, Indian plate split off from Gondwanaland about 90 million years ago in Cretaceous period. Than it fused with the Australian Plate and named "Indo-Australian plate". After that it began moves towards north, at about 20 cm per year and collided with the Eurasian Plate. The collision began in the Upper Cretaceous period about 70 million years ago, before it collides there was a Tethys Ocean between India and China. About 50 million years ago, this fast moving Indo-Australian plate had completely closed the Eurasian Plate. Geologists suggested that the reason the Indian Plate moved so quickly is that it is only half as thick as the other plates which formerly constituted Gondwanaland. Due to this collision the sedimentary and metamorphic rocks settled on the ocean floor, and the volcanoes that fringed its edges had uplifted and formed a mountain ranges known as "Himalayas". These Himalayas are among the youngest mountain ranges on the world. Mount Everest (8848 m) the highest peak of the world of Nepal and the Arakan Yoma highlands in Myanmar and the Andaman Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal were also formed as a result of this collision. The Indo-Australian plate continues to be driven horizontally below the Tibetan plateau, which forces the plateau to move upwards. About 20 mm per year of the India-Asia convergence is absorbed by trusting along the Himalaya southern front. This leads to the Himalayas rising by about 5 mm per year. The Indo-Australian plate is still moving at 5 cm per year, while the Eurasian Plate is moving north at only 2 cm per year. This is causing the Eurasian Plate to deform, and the India Plate to compress at a rate of 4 mm per year and over the next 10 million years it will travel about 1500 km into Asia.
Hitler and his life story.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in a small town Braunau, Austrian near to the German border. His father was Alois. Alois was a civil servant. Alois wanted Hitler to join the civil service. Hitler’s mother was Clara. She was very caring and loving and she frequently took Hitler’s side when his father’s poor temper got the better of him. Hitler was not popular at school and he made few friends. He was lazy and he rarely excelled at school work. Alois died when Hitler was thirteen and so there was no strong influence to keep him at school when he was older. After doing very badly in his exams, Hitler left school at the age of fifteen. His mother, as always, supported her son’s actions even though Hitler left school without any qualifications. His life was shattered when, aged 18, his mother died of cancer. The Vienna Academy of Art, rejected his application as "he had no School Leaving Certificate". His drawings which he presented as evidence of his ability, were rejected as they had too few people in them. He spent his time painting post cards which he hoped to sell and clearing pathways of snow. Then Hitler tried to join the Austrian Army. He failed his medical, years of poor food and sleeping rough. His medical report stated that he was too weak to actually carry weapons. In August 1914, World War One was declared. Hitler crossed over the border to Germany where he was fit to be in the German Army.There he was a regimental runner. This was a dangerous job as it exposed Hitler to a lot of enemy fire. His task was to carry messages to officers behind the front line, and then return to the front line with orders. His fellow soldiers did not like Hitler as he frequently spoke out about the glories of trench warfare. He was promoted and awarded Germany’s highest award for bravery " the Iron Cross". In all Hitler won six medals for bravery. In October 1918, just one month before the end of the war, Hitler was blinded by a gas attack at Ypres. While he was recovering in hospital, Germany surrendered. Hitler was devastated.
During this time, he served as an intelligence agent for the military authorities, in the course of which he attended a meeting of the tiny German Workers Party in 1919. He later joined the party, became its leader and changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, later called the Nazi Party. In 1920, the 25 Points of the Nazi Party were proclaimed, one of which called for the removal of the Jews from German society. In 1923, Hitler was imprisoned for nine months, during which time he dictated his book 'Mein Kampf' outlining his political ideology. On his release he began to rebuild the Nazi Party and used new techniques of mass communication, backed up with violence, to get his message across. Against a background of economic depression and political turmoil, the Nazis grew stronger and in the 1932 elections became the largest party in the German parliament. In January 1933, Hitler became chancellor of a coalition government. He quickly took dictatorial powers and began to institute anti-Jewish laws. He also began the process of German militarisation and territorial expansion that would eventually lead to World War Two. He allied with Italy and later Japan to create the Axis. Hitler's invasion of Poland in September 1939 began World War Two. After military successes in Denmark, Norway and Western Europe, but after failing to subdue Britain in 1941, Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union. The Jewish populations of the countries conquered by the Nazis were rounded up and killed. Millions of others whom the Nazis considered racially inferior were also killed or worked to death. In December 1941, Hitler declared war on the United States. The war on the eastern front drained Germany's resources and in June 1944, the British and Americans landed in France. With Soviet troops poised to take the German capital, Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin on 30 April 1945

Stonehenge of Wiltshire, England.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric, mysterious circular setting of large standing stones. Stonehenge is located in the Wiltshire, about 3.2 kilometers west of Amesbury and 13 kilometers north of Salisbury in southern England. Archaeologists had believed that the native Neolithic people at bronze age began construction of Stonehenge about 5,000 years ago. The famous stones that still stand today. They used deer antlers as picks to dig the holes and shaped the stones with Sarsen hammer. Stonehenge was built in three phases that consisting of over 30 million hours of labor. The larger stones are 7 feet tall and weight 50 tons each, brought from about 20 miles away from the Marlborough Downs. The smaller stones, called Bluestones, were brought from the Preseli Mountains in South Wales, nearly 250 miles away. There are no written records as to why Stonehenge was built. There are many theories but no confirmations. Some theory it was a place of dying, while others theory it was aplace of healing. Some reason Stonehenge was built for human sacrifice while others speculate it's all about astronomy. Some think it is a solar calendar that predicted the sunrise, sunset, eclipse, moonsets and moonrise while others reckon it as a place for worship. The circle and its banks were like a part of a huge astronomical calendar. Some authors state the supernatural must have played a part in the construction of Stonehenge reasoning the stones were too heavy making impossible for anyone to move and carry therefore makingStonehenge a much bigger mystery. The reasoning for Stonehenge remains a mystery.
King Peter of Russia.

Black hole.

A black hole is a region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing can escape after having fallen past the event horizon, even light is unable to escape from it. Light rendering the interior invisible. It is impossible to see a black hole directly because no light can escape from them, they are black. So black holes have never been directly observed. Black holes are presently understood, and are described by Einstein`s theory of general relativity. This theory predicts that when a large enough amount of mass is present with in a sufficiently small region of space, all paths through space are warped inwards towards the center of the volume, forcing all matter and radiation to fall inward.
When a large star has burnt all its fuel it explodes into a supernova. The stuff that is left collapses down to an extremely dense object known as a neutron star. If the neutron star is too large, the gravitational forces overwhelm the pressure gradients and collapse cannot be halted. The neutron star continues to shrink until it finally becomes a black hole.
A supernova occurs in our galaxy once every 300 years, and in neighboring galaxies about 500 neutron stars have been identified. Therefore we are quite confident that there should also be some black holes and it is now believed that at the center of each galaxy there is a super-massive black hole that is millions to billions of times heavier than our sun.

Bermuda Triangle

Pyramid of Egypt and King Kufu.

It is believed that it have taken 100,000 labours about 20 years to build this pyramid, using an estimated 2.3 millon blocks and is one of the seven wonder of the earth. The Egyptian king Khufu was the second king of the fourth Dynasty who made a worlds greatest Pyramid at Giza with ancient Egyptian technology .King Khufu was born on c.2609BC. He rules on Egypt during the fourth dynasty, from 2589 BC, to 2566 BC. Khufu's pyramid was the tallest man made structure in the world for over 3,800 yeras and is the last survivor ofthe seven wonders of the world.
Bill Gates from tic-tac-toe to latest Microsoft Windows.