This play begins from a great fight between the two prestigious families "Capulets and the Montagues", in Verona, Italy. When these families have been fighting for quite some time. Romeo seen very depressed at that time. Benvolio "Romeo`s cousin" tried to find the source of Romeo’s problems. Romeo reveals that he is in love with a woman named Rosaline and she does not return any man’s affection because she wants to live a life of chastity.
On the other side, Prince "Paris" put a desire to marry Juliet with Capulet "mother`s of Juliet". Capulet is happy about this request, but he insists that Paris should wait two years because Juliet is just 13 years old yet. Capulet tries to console Paris by saying that he is throwing a party that would serve as the perfect place for Paris to woo Juliet. Capulet gives a guest list to a servant named Peter and tells him to invite the guests. But Peter cannot read Fortunately, Romeo and Benvolio wander by at that moment and Romeo reads the list. Peter feels relieved and invites Romeo and Mercutio to the feast. Romeo agrees only because he saw Rosaline’s name on the list.
At the party, Romeo, Benvolio, and their friend Mercutio gather with other guests. The feast begins and all is well. Capulet greets all his guests and everybody is having a wonderful time. Than Lady Capulet tells the Nurse to bring Juliet. When Juliet enters and across the room. Romeo locks eyes with a beautiful Juliet. Romeo is so smitten by Juliet’s beauty. Romeo sin Juliet something through his eyes. Romeo happily takes his sin back. Romeo learns that Juliet is the daughter of his mortal enemy just as Benvolio tells him it is time to leave.
Romeo feels compelled to stay at Juliet’s house because that is where his heart belongs. He climbs over the wall and into the orchard and hides in the Capulet’s orchard and sees Juliet in her window.When Juliet see him at first, she become slightly angry to know that he invaded her private lamentations. Juliet demands to know why he is there and how he got there. Romeo tells her that the power of his love helped him climb the high walls, and Juliet’s demeanor softens. Romeo and Juliet proclaim their love to one another, They instantly fall in love, but they do not realize that their families are mortal enemies.
Next day Benvolio and Mercutio asked Romeo where he was last night. At that mean time Juliet`s Nurse and Peter enter there. Romeo tells the Nurse that Juliet must find a way to go to church than they will be wed. Then after Romeo and his friends wait for Juliet in Friar Lawrence’s cell. Juliet enters the cell, where she and Romeo exchange their vows of love. Soon Tybalt and his men enter there. However, Romeo wishes to keep the peace but Mercutio and Tybalt draws theirs sword and the two begin to duel. Soon Romeo and Tybalt engage in a sword fight, and Tybalt falls down dead. And they all leave from there. After that Prince proclaims that if Romeo is found within Verona’s walls, he shall be killed.
Juliet impatiently waits for nighttime to fall so she can be with Romeo. Juliet gives the Nurse her ring to give to Romeo. Romeo hides in Friar Lawrence’s cell with high temper until the Nurse arrives. The Nurse convinces him to stand up and “be a man” for Juliet’s sake. The Nurse informs him that she weeps for him very much. she gives Romeo Juliet’s ring.
Paris returns to the Capulet’s house late on Monday night to see what Juliet said of their potential marriage. Capulet assumes that Juliet will obey him, and he tells Paris that they will be married on Thursday.
Monday night Romeo and Juliet spent whole night together. Tuesday morning Lord Capulet ent threatens her and tells her that she will marry Paris. Juliet tries to plea with her mother, but Lady Capulet will not listen. She says that if she cannot avoid this marriage, she will certainly kill herself. Capulet decides to hold the wedding on Wednesday instead of Thursday.
On Tuesday night Juliet tells her mother and the Nurse that she does not need any more help and that she wishes to be left alone. Juliet is afraid to drink the potion because she is scared that if the potion will not work than she will have to marry Paris in the morning. Finally, She drinks the potion and falls down as if dead.
Capulet, Lady Capulet, the Nurse, and the servants make the last minute preparations for the wedding. Capulet announces that Paris has arrived and sends the Nurse to Juliet’s room to prepare her for the wedding. The Nurse cheerfully enters Juliet’s chambers and tries to wake her. At first, she thinks that Juliet is heavily asleep, but she soon comes to the conclusion that Juliet is dead. Soon after, Lady Capulet rushes into the room and screams for help upon her realization. Capulet, Paris, Friar Lawrence, and the musicians enter the room, and chaos ensues. Friar Lawrence tries to console them by saying that Juliet is in Heaven now. Capulet states that their happy wedding celebration will now be transformed into a mournful funeral.
Thursday morning Romeo is waiting to hear news from Verona. Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead, he saw her corpse in the Capulet vault. Overcome with grief, Romeo get some poison to leave this world with Juliet.
Romeo tells Balthasar that he is just going inside to retrieve Juliet’s ring, and Romeo tells him to leave lest he be killed. Paris tries to stop Romeo from entering . Romeo kill Paris and enter inside and stands next to Juliet and marvels at how beautiful she is, even in death. He kisses her for the last time, drinks his poison, and dies by her.
Friar Lawrence arrives. He sees that Paris is dead, as is Romeo. To Friar Lawrence’s horror, he know that he gave Juliet a sleeping medicine instead potion, meanwhile he hear people approaching and Juliet awakens.
Juliet sees that Romeo is dead and he did not leave any poison for her. She kisses him for the last time and plunges a dagger into her heart. Just as she dies.They discover that their true love never end and their love is forever.
Friar Lawrence relates the entire story. He asks to receive his rightful blame, Balthasar and the page give their sides of the story.They reads Romeo’s letter to his father. Capulet and Montague shake hands and end the feud that caused so many innocent people to die.
Author: William Shakespeare
"love u forever"