Alexander the great was an ancient Greek king of Macedonia who created one of the largest empires in ancient history. He born on july 20,356 Bc,in Pella, The capital of the Macedon. He was son of king Philip II. His mother was Olympias. Aristotle educated Alexander and his companions in medicine, philosophy, morals, religion, logic and art at the age of 13. When he was sixteen years old his tutorship under Aristotle came to an end. In 334Bc, Alexander crossed the Hellespont into Asia. There he thread too lightly early in the war. The Persians were surround them self with eunuchs and concubines,to be a week and loss their land. Than one by one he liberated several Greek towns and capitulated with little or no resistance there.The Battle of the Granicus River in may 334Bc was fought in North wwestern Asia (Turkey). Alexander ultimately fought many of his battles on a river banks of the Granicus River.He crossed the river and attacked immediately and battle started .He defeated and overthrew the Achaemenid Persian Empire,under "kings of king". His conquests included Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia,and he extended the boundaries of his own empire as far as Punjab, India. At last he return from India on the way to Babylon june 323 BC, he died at the age of 32 in the place of Nebuchadnezzar II.